
Car Accidents Kill Too Many Police Officers in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale

As lawyers representing police officers from Miami and Fort Lauderdale, who are seriously injured in car accidents, we were not surprise to learn that over the last fourteen years, more officers have died in car accidents than from being shot in the line of duty. In fact, more than double the number of police families have had to endure the wrongful deaths of officers than those who suffered fatal gunshots.

Not surprisingly, many of these tragic losses occur when a patrol officer is stopped along the shoulder of a roadway and a passing motorist fails to “move over” a lane. A study by the National Highway Safety Administration confirmed the alarming increase in wrongful deaths to police officers due to car accidents.

Unfortunately, the studies also found that only about half of the officers involved were wearing their seat-belts when the collisions happened. So, as we tell our friends in law enforcement, please keep your seat-belts on, especially when stopped along our dangerous roadways. And, please make sure you have uninsured motorist coverage on your personal automobile insurance policies, as this will provide a source of recovery in the likely event you are struck by someone who does not have any insurance, a likely reality in South Florida.

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