
Palm Beach County Car Accident Results in Mother’s Death

As Florida Lawyers who handle serious injury and wrongful death car accidents, we are truly distressed by the tragic story of a mother of eight who died today due to the recklessness of an unlicensed and drunk driver, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. Phyllis Henzel was on her way home in Lake Worth when the alleged drunk driver slammed into her car on B street.

To make matters worse for this family, their mother’s tragic wrongful death comes just over thirty years after one of her sons was struck and killed by a car, unbelievably, also on B Street.

Too often, due to too many unlicensed drivers, particularly in South Florida, families must endure these types of tragedies. We only hope the increased traffic fines being imposed by the legislature will cause the police to take greater vigilance in helping get these individuals off our roads.

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