Cruise Ship Excursion in Dominica Ends in Bus Accident
As Florida Attorneys we are always sorry to hear about tourists who are injured in bus and car accidents caused cruise line tour operators in foreign countries. Unfortunately, another preventable accident happened this week, when fourteen passenger traveling on the Celebrity Cruise Lines Summit, were injured, many critically, when the tour bus type vehicle they were in, crashed outside of Roseau, Dominica’s capital.
The tour bus driver, working for a Celebrity Cruise Line vendor, claimed the brakes on his vehicle failed, causing the wreck. The injured passengers were flown to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami on two air ambulances.
Incredibly, these types of serious accidents are easily preventable. However, cruise lines are too interested in the profits they make from such excursions, rather than insuring that the companies they do business with are operated properly. Considering most cruise ships are registered under foreign flags, such accidents will continue to happen, until the United States Congress passes laws requiring cruise lines operating from American ports of call to take the necessary safety precautions to protect their paying passengers.